State Co-Chair
Developing and supporting the local Georgia powerlifting community by bringing quality meets and building relationships between lifters, coaches, clubs, and gyms.
Lydia Baptist
Lydia started powerlifting at age 13 after starting out in CrossFit. She met her first powerlifting coach there and fell in love with the sport! She has directed 3 meets and is now a National referee. She is very thankful to have won 8 national championships and medaled at 3 world championships. Currently holds 2 American equipped bench records. She loves the sport and is happy to be giving back now.
Meghan valentine
Meghan started competing athletically at the age of 2 in track and field and went to college for pole vault. After a lot of years off Meghan got into CrossFit and found Olympic Lifting, she competed at the National Level for Olympic Lifting until the start of 2020. In 2017 she competed in the 5 Bar competition (which consists of the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, then Squat, Bench, and Deadlift). In 2022 she competed in the Bench Press State Championships and fell in love with powerlifting. After that she was hooked. She started a team (MVP Powerlifting Team) and became a State Level Referee.